radicle beets

Successful Transplanting! by radiclebeets
May 31, 2014, 4:22 pm
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On Wednesday we prepped the nightshade bed and got our lovely tomato plants in the ground. Sayuri, John, and I had a great time in the sun!



The beans we planted indoors are coming up strong, and are going to be a lovely addition to our healthy and thriving garden!


Sunny and Rainy, Lovely Garden Days. by radiclebeets
May 27, 2014, 12:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The garden is bursting with wonderful flowers, figs, fennel, ferns…. the bees have been buzzing around us as we weed and find new treasures.

This Wednesday, we will be in the garden from 1-4, transplanting tomatoes, basil, maybe some peas, eggplant… whatever is ready! Come down and join us, there is always room for another helping hand.






Beautiful Sunday by radiclebeets
May 18, 2014, 7:35 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today we had a great time out in the sun, weeding and digging out blackberry vines, chatting about bioremediation, and learning about the plants in our garden.



We found a bunch of self-seeding carrots among the comfrey and buttercup, so we pulled and mulched hard around them to help them grow. We also found a bunch of self-seeding lettuces in the mushroom bed, and pulled them out for salads, and threw down some myceliated woodchips. It’s amazing what can grow on our little patch of land, and what kind of plants want to be around us. We sure have a lot of Lemon Balm, Chocolate Mint, Spearment, and… well… unknowns!! The bees were happy to be with us too, making their way around the purple comfrey flowers.

Our fig tree is even starting to grow little fruits- which we are all so excited to harvest when the time comes!




Plant TransPlants by radiclebeets
May 14, 2014, 6:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Phew it was a hot and sunny one today! We transplanted our carrots, beets, and parsnips to the outside gardens. Inside, we moved our bigger plant friends into bigger homes- some were coming right out of their pots! Everyone got some water, thanks to John’s amazing duct taping skills, and an old hose.



This Sunday 11-2 we will be doing some much needed weeding, planting, and trimming. Come by and join in!!

Radishes Mint Asparagus Flowers!!! by radiclebeets
May 7, 2014, 7:03 pm
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Wonderful finds in the garden today!!!






Seed bombs! by radiclebeets
May 7, 2014, 4:19 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today we had a blast playing with mud!! Mixing compost, clay, and seeds, we formed little balls and are now stoked to see them dry.

We made at least 200!!! Clover, poppy, wildflower, cilantro, and kale. We’ll be giving some away on saturday at the Stone Soup Festival and the rest will be thrown on open soil on sunday during our east van bike tour!! Meet us on the corner of parker and vernon at 11am to join in the tour!!


Seed Bomb Workshop!! by radiclebeets
May 4, 2014, 12:22 pm
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Come join us on Wednesday May 7th, 1pm-4pm to make some seed bombs to throw all over the city. Ben, one of our rad gardeners, will be showing us his technique, and chatting about native pollinator and food plants.
Come hang out and meet us! There will be (vegan and gluten free) lunch, good vibes and friendly humans.
On Sunday May 11th, 11am-2pm, Ben and John will be leading a bike tour around east van, scoping out good places for mini gardens, and throwing some bombs. If you want to know some good spots to find pockets of food in the future, come on out and join the fun!
Everyone’s welcome!!
Hope to see you there!!
