radicle beets

Gardeners Welcome! by radiclebeets
March 25, 2014, 8:12 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
Just a reminder, we are in the gardens twice a week, and you are totally invited!!
We will be in the gardens from 1-4 on Wednesdays, and 11-2 on Sundays, planting and planning and playing in the muck! Snacks are always provided, and you’ll always find cheery gardeners to chat with.
We will be planting seeds, preparing the mushroom bed and doing some general planning tomorrow, I hope to see you there!
We are also looking to set up a meeting concerning the food forest, and what happens next. If you worked on the forest, or just want to see a new project thrive, let me know. We are hoping to have the meeting in the next couple weeks, and Kelsey and Ben will be leading that conversation and talking more in depth about the hopes for that land, and some social re-mediation.
Also we still have lots of compost, so if you’re starting a garden at home, or just want to get some dirt to play in, we have lots! Come get it anytime, it’s at the Parker and Vernon gardens.
Mulch Love,

Hand saws and drills- inoculation time. by radiclebeets
March 19, 2014, 1:49 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today i cut wedges out of an alder log and stuffed them with myceliated woodchips (oyster), then screwed the wedges back in place. I hope that was what should happen; its my first time!
What a beautiful sunny day though. I hope y’all get outside a bit and enjoy some rays and fresh air. 🙂



Worms, Seeds, Mushrooms! by radiclebeets
March 17, 2014, 3:06 am
Filed under: Uncategorized


Sunday’s gloomy weather brought us indoors for the most part, but thats ok because there was lots to do! Re-vamping the worm bin and planting seeds took up most of the time- hand picking the worms was very rewarding, and we got a large bucket of castings to spread in the gardens. Planting seeds was great, we got all the indoor starts going, so now we wait and see who sprouts!
We had a local friend drop by and help with deconstructing the herb spiral, and in the process found a huge and beautiful Turkey Tail mushroom!!!

We ended the session by spreading the worm castings, and a fresh compost tea made by the lovely Grassroots Bioremediation group on saturday. The plants are going to love living here!!!


Yeay! They’re Starting The Gardens! by radiclebeets
March 15, 2014, 1:58 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

– cheerful bicyclist sharing encouragement on wednesday!!
So this work party had a small group, John and I, but we got a lot of planning done, and even planted some seeds! Lettuces, beans, cabbage, radishes, a new herb bed next to the picnic bench… This year already looks like it will be lush with veggies and medicinals. Shallots have been started inside, but there is still much to do!

Come on by, our next work party is this Sunday from 11-2! We will be planting some seeds indoors, and who knows what else we’ll get up to. 🙂

Hope for sun! 💚



First Work Party: Mulch Success!! by radiclebeets
March 10, 2014, 11:24 pm
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What a lovely way to start off the season!! Sunshine, hard labour, lovely folks- such a blast. We shovelled compost into the plots, repaired some broken irrigation, and made some new friends! Bikers rode by smiling and waving, and some friendly dogs and their people strolled by and said hello. We discovered some rogue thyme growing in corners of the beds and decided to let it be; thyme is awesome and it obviously wanted to be there!

Some folks stayed and worked until 5, and planted the pollinator flower seeds in the vernon beds. It will be so exciting to see that space burst with color and hum with our little alis!!

I ran a seed planting workshop with the Younguns, a group of super rad youth, who were stoked to plant some seeds and get a little dirty. We did a walkthrough of the gardens and they impressed me with their ability to point out and identify the plants and trees. Such great people!!

I hope to see all who can make it for the next work party: this wednesday from 1-4!

Enjoy that sunshine, sow mulch love!!!








Work Party This Sunday!! by radiclebeets
March 7, 2014, 10:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Just a quick reminder; work party this sunday from 11-2!!
Come join us as we mulch and chat about what we want to grow in the vegetable garden this year! Fantastic!
Mulch Love!