radicle beets

First Annual Work Party and Pot Luck!!! by radiclebeets
February 13, 2014, 10:21 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Welcome to the 2014 Growing Season!!

!!!Get excited!!!

Sunday March 9th from 11-2 we will be in the parker street garden, (at parker and vernon), mulching and planning what to grow for this season! There will be snacks and hot drinks, fellow gardeners and plant-loving earthlings! Feel free to bring snacks to share, but it’s totally not required.

What to Bring: Yourself! …and maybe a pair of gloves, as we will be spreading mulch on the garden beds.

We will be hanging out in the garden for the full time, so remember to dress for the weather.

We got a whole bunch of West Coast Seeds donated to us from Floral And Hardy Edible Plants, so we have the potential to grow a ton of delicious vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. There has been talk of turning the Vernon beds into a pollinator garden, to aid our allies and bring more beneficial insects into the neighbourhood. Come join the process, lets work together to feed each other and make this place a bit greener!

Mulch love and solidarity!IMG_1244